
About three weeks ago, I lost the 512Mb MicroSD card that sits in my phone. I didn’t really know where I’d lost it, just that the poxy thing wasn’t there any more.

Fortunately, there wasn’t anything overly important on it – some files that would have been useful to have back, but nothing earth-shattering, and nothing like passwords, site names/logons or anything. So I kind of shrugged my shoulders, thought something along the lines of “Ah Well”, and got on with it.

Anyway, earlier this week I suddenly realised where I had probably lost the card – I’d dropped the phone when I got out of the car at home. All the same, nothing relevant.

But this morning, while bringing the bin back in (Oh, the domesticity) I spotted a little fleck of gold on the driveway. Sure enough, it was the card, still intact – if a little bit soggy. Dried it off, figured I’d got nothing to lose, and slotted it back in the phone. And it still works.

This card has been soaked, frozen, and driven over at least twice a day for three weeks. It’s survived it all. I have to say, I’m quite impressed.

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