Disk Space

Now that’s what I call storage

1TByte (for the non-geeky, that’s 1,000 Mb Gb (feck)) for about £300. Not bad at all. Hell, it might even hold all my MP3s if I decided to get efficient and rip every single one of my CDs to it…

3 Comments on “Disk Space”

  1. chris says:

    I thought that 1 Tb was 1000 Gb not 1000 Mb

  2. QE says:

    You think there’s a danger of your CDs not fitting in a terabyte? Wow…

    I reckon if you allow 70MB per CD (which is generous) you’d be able to rip around 14,286 of them. If you assume that there are individual jewel cases for 60% of these (because some have the newer double-disc cases, slim-line cases or other oddities), that’s around 150 cubic metres. That’s slightly more than will fit in a full sized cargo container!
    Where do you keep them all? 😉

    That’s quite a nice sales pitch for the drive though, maybe: “Holds a whole cargo container of music!”

    And I agree, typo in the italics ;-P

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