
Something that might surprise a lot of the people that read D4D™ is that on occasion I can actually be quite nice. I’ll help other people with their questions, fix techie problems, and generally be quite a decent human being.

Lunchtime today, though, was not one of those times.

I had to go into the city centre in order to pick up a couple of things, and the streets were full of twats. You know the type, people who can’t conceive that anyone else wants to walk past them at more than the snail’s pace they’ve set themselves in order to walk three-abreast along the path, with no room for anyone else. People who just suddenly stop for no good reason. People who have major ethical/conceptual problems with troublesome concepts like crossing the road, or traffic lights.

So once I’d got in, and was faced with a fuckwit on a bike who’d decided to come off the road onto the path, and block it completely while deciding where it was he wanted to go, unfortunately the inner-Touretter made an appearance…

Oi, open your fucking eyes, bollock-jockey!

I have no idea where I got the word “bollock-jockey” from, but by God it’s a good one to use.

2 Comments on “Temper”

  1. Matt says:

    My current favourite expletive to aim at fuckwits is:

    “Cock-smoking sausage-jockey!”

    It’s a bit of a mouthful, but you’ll find that the vast majority of assholes don’t know what to say when it’s thrown in their face. The best thing about it though really, is that there are no actual “cuss-words” contained therein.

  2. Gordon says:

    Ahh you learn something new every day… bollock-jockey… good stuff.

    And I can confirm, officially, for the record, that Lyle CAN be a rather lovely and hugely generous, all round nice guy.


    [I was not paid to leave this comment]

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