Posted: Tue 30 January, 2007 Filed under: Animals, Domestic 2 Comments »When we moved into the current place, we realised that the landlords had a rather different idea of what a “dog-friendly” or “enclosed” garden was than we did. By which I mean that we discovered that the fence and hedges had a number of holes in them that would allow Hound to explore the gardens of our neighbours.
She’s had a great time exploring, as you can imagine. About a month ago, we bought some wire fencing and posts, and put them up in the places where she was getting through to the neighbours.
So she found other places. Cowbag.
Over the last two weekends, we’ve bought more bloody wire fencing and fenceposts. The entire side and bottom of the garden is now pooch-proofed, and the other side is a stream, so she’s not going to escape that way. Well, she’d fucking better not, anyway.
So we’ve spent about £100 on extra fencing and posts. Of course, we can take it with us when we move to the new place, but it’s still a pain in the arse at the moment.
Still, it’ll be interesting to see where Hound escapes to next.
Quote unquote ‘Er Indoors: “Good little Hound! Hound keeps Lyle on his toes! Hound boss, Lyle not boss!”
A stream? Now I’m trying to work out where in Aaalburgh you’re temporarily domiciled, dangnabbit.