Hmmm, redesign?

Over the christmas break, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not to upgrade and redesign D4D™ to WordPress 2 (the last upgrade was a pig, so it’s going to take some deliberation)

At the same time, I’m also thinking about whether to keep the old content – the rants, thoughts, etc. – as they’re all at least two years old now, if not three, and thus are fairly old and out-of-date.

So it could be that I don’t redesign per se but do reorganise, or I could do all of it. I just haven’t decided yet which I’ll do.

I think there’s definitely going to be some upgrading of WordPress etc. – I’ve been getting a butt-load of weird spam over the last couple of weeks, which seems to be slipping through the older plugins etc. – and probably some redirection of old pages to new locations etc.

Obviously I’ll keep everything as up-to-date as possible, and do the redirections etc. in order to keep everyone’s links working and the like. As for the rest of it, wait and see…

4 Comments on “Hmmm, redesign?”

  1. Lionel says:

    If I recall correctly, the move from 1.5 to 2.0 was a lot easier than from 1.2 to 1.5 (but then it was a long, long time go).

    A very belated welcome to Aaalburgh, by the way. I really should have been stopping by more often.

  2. Gordon says:

    Yup 1.5 to 2.0 was easy for most people, no doubt you’ve hacked at loads of stuff and so it’ll be a pain in the ass.. 😉

    Me? I’m seriously considering switching to a theme, easier to maintain, work with, etc etc. And right now, easy is good.

  3. Lyle says:

    Yeah, there’s been an amount of hackery to get things working. But the big issue is the difference between themes and the current layout stuff I use.

    I’ll figure it out, sometime in the new year. Any input from people will be gladly appreciated.

  4. Lionel says:

    When you upgrade your current layout is saved as the new default theme for the blog. Maybe I was lucky, but I didn’t have any major problems converting from the style to the theme.

    If you do get stuck, of course, I am fairly local …

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