
Walking to the office from the station this morning, I couldn’t help but notice this.

Someone – some weird, utterly fucked up human being – had decided to have a crap in the middle of the path.

Now, I’ve now idea how fresh it was – all I can say is that it wasn’t steaming (and no-one had yet stepped in it) – but all the same, what on earth would drive someone to drop their pants in public, take a shit on the street, and then walk off?

The mind boggles.

4 Comments on “Dump”

  1. Steve says:

    How do you know it was a person, rather than an animal? I’m no expert in shite so I don’t know the difference, do you?

  2. Skytower says:

    Maybe it had sweetcorn in it…?

  3. Lyle says:

    If that was an animal, it was a fucking pony.

    And while I’m no expert, I’m also familiar with dog and cat shit, and this most definitely had that kind of human aspect to it.

  4. Skytower says:

    I’ve known someone take a dump in the middle of a nightclub before, so anything’s possible.

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