Snotty Blackberries
Posted: Mon 13 November, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Thoughts, Travel, Weirdness, Work-related |2 Comments »I got in to work fine in the end – and yes, the trains were a lot emptier than usual. All told, not too bad, and it meant I got to read through some of the OU Course material.
Anyway, while chumbling through a whole bunch of waffle and crap about Management, I was looking round the train carriage, and I noticed just how many people were using Blackberry machines. I really can’t believe that all these people are so important to their workplaces that they have to get their email pushed to them wherever they are. Of course, I know, Blackberrys are a “status symbol” that also supposedly says “look how important I am”, and as such it’s not something I’ve ever really bitten on anyway.
Personally I just wouldn’t want one. Hell, while I love a lot of the ideas on my little XDA, I’m almost certain to get rid of it next year when it comes to renewing my phone contract, and go back to a standard-type mobile. I simply don’t use the features enough on the XDA to make it worth my while to upgrade again, and particularly so while the poxy thing continues to crash on a regular basis.
But what I understand even less is the people who have both a Blackberry AND a mobile phone…
Where I work Blackberries cost thousands, because of the security issues. Obviously, thankfully, people like me don’t get them.
But it does make me wonder whether the bog-standard ones are really sufficiently secure for commercial confidentiality
In short, no, they’re not. And because of the ‘always on’ connection, in combination with the fact they’re ‘allowed’ on their own work network, it’s fairly common knowledge that they are a pretty big security risk.