Problem Solved
Posted: Tue 28 November, 2006 Filed under: D4D™, Geeky 2 Comments »Yesterday, Jann pointed out that there was a problem with D4D™ if you tried to get here by clicking on a link from another site. Ooops
Turns out, I’d forgotten to copy over a database user which was only being used for one particular function on the site – yep, the one that checked when people were coming in from other sites. Feck
Anyway, ’tis all fixed now, so all should be well again. I hope.
One more thing. In Firefox 2 at 800×600, the right-hand sidebar intrudes on the content, when viewing comments.
Yep, I really should redesign d4d™ at some point.
I just can’t be arsed at the mo – sad, but true.