Chill Factor
Posted: Fri 10 November, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Thoughts, Travel, Work-related |1 Comment »I’ve mentioned before, I find that I’m pretty impervious to the onset of winter, and really don’t notice that it’s getting colder. I’m actually more comfortable in this type of temperature than I am in summer, although I’m far more tolerant (Hey, now there’s a sentence you don’t see me say often) of summer temperatures now. But all the same, given the choice, I like the transition from summer to autumn to winter.
I was walking in to work this morning, and wondered why I was getting some funny looks. Obviously the first paranoia is about zips and the like, but then it slowly dawned on me that people were looking at me a bit oddly because I was walking along dressed only in a short-sleeved shirt and t-shirt (and trousers/boots, obviously) while they were all wrapped up in big coats, scarves, gloves, and all the paraphenalia normally associated with some kind of sub-zero outing above the Arctic circle.
OK, there was some ice on the windows of parked cars and the like, but it wasn’t actually cold, you know?
I wonder what all these people are going to wear when/if winter comes?
Everyone else is weird – you’re normal!