Posted: Fri 24 November, 2006 Filed under: Customer Services, Thoughts 1 Comment »I know I give them fairly regular links and comments here, but I still really like Innocent Drinks and their attitude to life in general.
At the moment, they’re doing a very silly, but really good promotion where the bottles have little knitted bobble-hats. Even better, for every one of these bottles sold, innocent will give 50p to Age Concern. With the 175,000 bobble-hats that’ve been done for innocent, that adds up to £87,500 given to Age Concern.
Absolutely brilliant – and really nice to see a company leading the way on things like this.
Oh, and the bobble-hats fit perfectly on mobile phones, for extra silliness.
Been out of action, just spotted these, bought two and got some right funny looks from my co-workers.