
Regular readers may recall that a good few months ago, I had an interview with a certain mobile telecoms company. At the time it went really well, and would’ve been great to change jobs and do a year with them – working within a huge corporation is something my CV currently lacks, as the last one I worked for was back in 2002 or so.

Anyway, following the interview, the feedback was really positive, and they said to the agency I’d applied through that they wanted to offer me a job. And then it all went quiet. Calls weren’t returned, nothing got confirmed, and indeed the telecoms company failed to communicate with either myself or the agency at all. So I ended up looking around again, and at the same time the decision was made for us to move towards Norfolk.

I got a call today from that agency, asking if I was still available for work. The telecoms company had come back to the agency, wanting me to work for them. And was I available to start next week?

Quite honestly, in the face of an attitude like that, even if I were available, I wouldn’t want to work for a company that was so blatantly disinterested in people, and so contemptuous of anything except themselves. Just unbelievable.

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