The Cloud
Posted: Thu 12 October, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Thoughts, Travel, Work-related |Leave a comment »The hotel I’ve been using this week has a wireless network, which is nice. However, it’s run by The Cloud, which on current evidence isn’t quite so nice. In fact, on current evidence, I’d have to say it’s pretty shit.
I find that it’s very difficult to log on – and even worse when you’re using one of their so-called “Partners” BT Openzone – and when you do finally connect, the service is sporadic at best. Having used it for a couple of hours overall I find that the entire thing locks up, has serious problems with connecting to email and so on, and is just generally dog-slow, user-hostile, and really really unpleasant to use.
Thankfully next week I should just be on a normal wireless network, as opposed to a commercial piece-of-shit that should work a lot better than it actually does.