
Well, I can honestly say I’m knackered. Somehow the company had managed to rent a fucking huge Toyota Land Cruiser – no idea why, we were expecting a simple estate! And it’s so not the type of vehicle anyone in the group would’ve chosen to drive if they’d been given the choice.

Still, it made the drive fun – and dear God it needed to be – and we made it with no real hassle at all. Some heavy traffic, but nothing that caused us to stop at all – not bad when a large portion of the journey was on the Orbital Car Park (AKA the M25)

The journey back was even better, and we made it in just over three hours, so not bad at all. But of course I’m now utterly knackered.

As for the meeting, it was productive, but in a worrying way, as it ably illustrated just how little the company knew about the CMS project we’re involved in, and how much more we knew about it all than they did. Just a little bit worrying…

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