Inconsiderate Twats
Posted: Tue 17 October, 2006 Filed under: Charm School, Thoughts, Weirdness 2 Comments »Tonight, while out having my evening meal, I saw something that I personally consider to be one of the rudest things I’ve ever seen.
I won’t describe the person involved, except to say they were about 18. Even that’s not overly relevant, but there we go.
Anyway, this person took a call on their mobile (or they might’ve made the call, I wasn’t paying that much attention at the time) in the restaurant, which- while it’s not something I tend to do, unless it’s really important (and this really wasn’t an important call) – isn’t really something that bothers me all that much. What I did find incredibly rude, though, was that this person then proceeded to wander round the restaurant, around a whole range of different tables where people were eating, while on the phone. I’ve no idea why they did it – it wasn’t like they were having problems getting reception, they just wanted to wander around while talking.
Personally, if I’d been one of the waiting staff, I think I’d have probably told this person to either sit back down with their family, or fuck off outside and take/make the call there, rather than the way they chose to do it. It was coming close to me just telling the person to fuck off anyway.
I just don’t get that mind-set – why the hell would anyone do that?
Someone in our office does this, wanders around, talking LOUDLY on their mobile. Bugs the crap outta me, and yet, despite having been asked, politely, to stop doing it… after a couple of months he was back at it.
It’s arrogant and despisable. I’d have told the person to sit down. I may even have used the word please. But probably not.
Because they’ve been brought up to think the world revolves around them, and not to consider how their behaviour impacts on others? Because s/he thinks that pimping around on a phone makes them cool and worthy of respec’?
At least (or you don’t say) s/he didn’t have one of those headsets. Twice recently I have been privy to phone conversations (in a hotel bar and in a quiet pub) conducted with a headset and on both occasions I have considered that if they used the phone ‘normally’ I wouldn’t be able to eavesdrop. One was discussing a client, another was asking someone out by describing how he dances to Scissor Sisters’ I Don’t Wanna Dance.