Counting Down
Posted: Mon 23 October, 2006 Filed under: Animals, Domestic, Thoughts Leave a comment »It’s less than two weeks now ’til my birthday, and I can’t deny, it does feel like it’s beginning to loom a bit.
I shouldn’t be bothered by it, and after all, it’s “only” thirty-fucking-five, but there we go – I’m not bothered by it per se, but it’s something I’m conscious of. I think that some of it is that turning 35 is a change of demographic – I will no longer fit into the 29-34 demographic, or the 25-34 one, or whatever. I’ll be in the 35-44 range, and that’s kind of old.
Ah well, I’m sure I’ll be fine.
Besides, we’ll be away in Somerset, making sure that Hound is away from the full “fun” of fireworks night…