
Bloody estate agents. I realise that they’ve been pretty good for us, what with selling the house in four days and so on but all the same, as a species they’re still utter twunts. Even the ones we sold the house with.

Despite saying we didn’t want a sign outside, and despite the place selling so fast that they didn’t even get a chance to put the place in the paper, we came home to find that they’d shoved up a “Sold” sign while we were at work. This wouldn’t have been so bad, except that not all the nearby neighbours knew we were selling the place, and so we’ve been deluged with questions about where we’re going, and what the new people will be like.

And then yesterday – bearing in mind there’s a bloody big bright yellow sign with the words “SOLD subject to contract” on it – I get home to find that another estate agents has dropped a card through the door, saying that they have buyers for this house. I’m sorry, but which part of “SOLD” did the fuckwit twunts not understand?

In fact, that latter bit would make sure that even if the house sale did fall through, I wouldn’t go to that particular estate agents…

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