Nice Timing

One thing that’s even better than usual when it comes to this week is that, along with the confirmation of the job in Cambridge, I’m actually on holiday for the week.

We’re not planning on going anywhere particular, but it’s more about a) having a break from all the shit, and b) getting the house ready to go on the market. After all, with the job stuff and so on, and waiting for news from the jobs that Herself has interviewed for, it’s all coming together again.

Last week was particularly rough – with the news that the council were still fucking about, and that Arsehole Boss was looking likely to stay with the company for the forseeable future, it all got just a bit depressing and demoralised. We were both pissed off by it, because we’d got to a point where it all seemed like it was coming together, where the plans were happening, and then they were all falling apart again, and none of it was through any fault of our own. And whenever that happens, it sucks.

So yeah, having this week off has come at just about the perfect time, as it happens. It also means we get to spend some time figuring out just how everything will work out with regard to me doing this new job, and the necessary travel and domestic arrangements, as well as sorting out company stuff, payment details etc., and also telling the council (and the current job) where to stuff it.

All told, it should be a good week!

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