Day Five
Posted: Fri 29 September, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Getting Organised, Travel, Work-related |3 Comments »So, that’s the first week over and done with. And so far it’s all gone pretty well, I’m pleased to say.
No, the entire situation isn’t ideal – I’m not a great fan of the entire “being away for five days” thing, for a start – but it’s a means to an end, and it has to be done. I’m sure I’ll settle into things a bit more from here on, but the first week was always going to be a bit of a weird one, what with one thing and another.
On the plus side, I’ve worked for the last week of the month. Because of the way Parasol works, I now need to send in my timesheet for “the month”, as well as my expenses. (which I have to photocopy first, so I’ve a copy in case Inland Revenue decide they want a word with me at some later as-yet-unspecified date) But it means that effectively I’m going to be getting paid twice for this week, once by Parasol and once by my now-ex employers, who paid me to the end of the month. (and the same is true of October, effectively, as I also got paid off with a month’s pay in lieu of notice)
Not a bad way to start, is it?
Along the way I’ve started learning more about the layout of Cambridge, signed up at the local library, sorted out a different place for me to stay next week, and generally just getting things more figured out. I think next week will actually be a better week than this one.
You enjoyed your first week in Cambridge then?
don’t forget to do the touristy things when you have the chance.
Such as? What would you recommend?
Try to take a look around kings college chapel at least. It’s always worth a visit. Don’t go punting on the cam with one of the punt companies as they charge upwards of £12 an hour. Other than that just take a wander around the backs (of the colleges).