Build the Hype

Have you heard the single by Lazyboy called “Underwear Goes Inside The Pants”?

It’s been released, and is currently sat at the low end of the 30s on the Top 40. We heard it in the car last night, and laughed ourselves silly.

In short, it’s brilliant. The lyrics go some way to explaining the appeal, but there’s more to it than that. It’s something different, it has a point, and says it well.

Ah, hell, just go to Itunes and look for “Lazyboy” or “Underwear” – it’ll come up in the list. It might be a novelty, but it’s well worth the 79p for the download.


One Comment on “Build the Hype”

  1. pink says:

    i love that tune… it is indeed brilliant. kinda like that baz whatshisname’s sunscreen, only much better.

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