
One thing that brightened my day this week – I got a full and unreserved apology from the council for the utter fuckup that was made of the recruitment process.

I sent off a letter last Friday to the chief executive of the council, and copied in the head of HR, and the guy I’d been dealing with at the agency. The reply came back within the week, and was exceptionally apologetic, explaining that the guy who had caused the problem has been off sick, and has been replaced by a new interim Head of IT, and that the entire process is now under investigation within the council.

So it sounds like Mr Sensitive is in for a major kicking at the hands of the HR department, and frankly it won’t be anything he doesn’t deserve. And because of the letter, the agency are now going to send an invoice to the council for their recruitment costs, as they got the right person, and got the job offered, but then everything at the council turned to ratshit. Which ain’t the agency’s problem, and as such they might as well see whether they can get anything out of it.

So, a bollocking, an apology, and an agency that’s very happy with me even though I’m not currently working for them. Can’t be bad!

One Comment on “Apologetic”

  1. Jann says:

    If I were you I’d be buying lottery tickets right now. Strike while the iron’s hot and all that. 🙂

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