WWID – The thoughts and responses

OK, so – following on from this post where Gordon asked what I’d do in relation to terorrist plots, here’s a few thoughts.

Bear in mind these are all based on a couple of fairly major assumptions, namely

  1. I’m Prime Minister, or equally high up in government
  2. I can also turn back time
  3. I have the power and support to do these things – although not as a dictatorship, obviously. That’s got its own problems

Because the first thing I’d do is tell the US to sod off, heed my own people’s obvious protest and marches etc., and not get involved in the war in Iraq. Personally I believe that one decision would’ve saved us all a lot of the hassle that’s followed. Simply standing up, heeding the electorate’s voice/wishes, and looking like a respectable statesman and “man of the people”, rather than some renfield of Bush.

As for the hysteria and hype regarding terror plots and the like, I would probably do the following:

  • Not use the “threat level indicator” as a political and media tool – Bruce Shneier writes about this far more eloquently than I can – but instead attempt the (for a politician) earth-shatteringly different policy of being honest. Currently that level is “Severe” which means “an attack is highly likely”. Which really is just mealy-mouthed political bullshit. It doesn’t give a timescale, it doesn’t give any indications, and that status could apply anytime, anywhere. There’s always the chance of an attack somewhere, sometime.
  • Carrying on from that, I think just a basic rider of Being Honest would work wonders, particularly if also blended with some common sense, rather than hysterical reaction.
  • Personally I’d also try to have worked to provide a relationship with the media that also wasn’t based around hysteria and panic. Perhaps prosecuting some of the papers and/or TV media for promoting racial hatred and bigotry would do the job.

And with regard to airport security and the like? Hmm, I don’t know just yet. I agree that security checks are necessary – but (again going with that Honesty and non-Hysteria thing) I’d want ones that actually did something. The hysterical reactions to stupid shit like the “shoe-bomber”, and now having to remove shoes – that’d get stopped. Or if shoe checks are necessary then you bloody well make sure that you provide benches or something for people to sit on and put the damn things back on again afterwards…

I’d not have put in a lot of the crap about nail-clippers etc. in the main security check, though. What I would do would be put the security screeners on a decent wage, rather than being at minimum wages. If it became necessary, make that section into a government organisation, and do it efficiently. Pay for decent people instead of minimum wage, and get people who are capable of making the process a lot smoother and more efficient. Enforce getting decent training, and also arrange for full-blown training exercises. That is the way to get both the airports, the staff, and the public used to this sort of issue – do it, while making it very public that this is a training exercise – give people warning of what they will and will not be able to do during that training exercise. So you make it real, and yes, it’ll be a pain in the arse, but it means everyone knows what’s going on.

I think actually that works as an idea.

But it’s not just airports – it’s making people aware without making them paranoid. I haven’t quite got that sussed yet.

What I would do though is look at the bigger issues. Personally I believe wholeheartedly in an integrated society – where all people are treated the same. I know I’ve caused ructions about this before, and I never explain it all that well, but basically I believe that people should be treated the way we wish to be treated. I don’t want to force my religion, beliefs, creed, or whatever down anyone else’s throat, and I don’t believe anyone else should be allowed to do the same to me. At the same time though, I think that people should accept others, and not try to use the differences in order to divide and pigeonhole. Unfortunately, I think that’s too optimistic, because by nature Man seems to want to divide, categorise, and pigeonhole – and build up wars and conflict around those differences.

So if I were PM? The main thing I would do would be to bring in a policy of equality. Not lip-service, not this bullshit “inclusive” society where every little faction has it’s own sector – which seems to be what most people think “inclusive” means. In my experiences with local government and the like, being “inclusive” meant having a seperate department and “team” for every different faith in the area, every racial background, every sexuality and orientation, and to me that was actually divisive, not inclusive.

Equality – treating everyone the same, that’s the idea. Working so that people don’t feel minimised, disowned, disenfranchised, and thus don’t despise their own country.

Or am I completely wrong? I’m looking forward to the comments on this one…

6 Comments on “WWID – The thoughts and responses”

  1. Dragon says:

    So, what you’re basically saying is, none of this would happen if we were all nice to each other?

    Funnily enough, I think someone said more or less the same thing about 2000 years ago. They nailed him to a tree.

    Not that I’m disagreeing with you – it’s an ideal solution. Just ain’t never gonna happen in our lifetime. Maybe our children’s if we teach them right but changing human nature is not an overnight job and is not something that governments can rule.

    Getting rid of religion might be a good start though.

  2. Lyle says:

    Well yeah, maybe. But hey, I figure it’s a worthwhile goal to have.

    And no, I don’t think that “nothing would happen”, but it might not happen to us. *grin*

    As for getting rid of religion – yeah, maybe – it does seem to be one of the main divisive elements in life. But that comes back to the self-same geezer who died nailed to a tree…

  3. Dragon says:

    Jesus’ teachings are fine. They’re a good dogma. It’s the religion that built up based largely on the letters of St Paul (himself a religous leader) that lead to the church and the organized “religion” of the Church.

    Let’s face it – suicide bombers do so because to them, it’s a martyr’s death. You would never have had fanatically religous IRA suicide bombers because they were Catholic and suicide was a sin. (So was murder but well… bring you not peace but a sword and all that!)

  4. Adrian says:

    Actually I don’t think Lyle is saying we should all be nice to us.

    What I think Lyle is saying is that “here are some actionable structures we could put in place to start improving how people relate to each other, as well as focusing time and money into mechanism that actually provide an appropriate level of protection for the level of risk, and not just appease the public without achieving anything”.

    That’s how I read it anyway.

    I would vote for you of course, but I don’t think you would be elected. Too many people are racist idiots who would think you are endangering lives with you hippy lefty ways. Of course people can’t do risk assessment for shit, so what do they do know.

    Also I would love to see the words “full disclosure” associated with government and completed security operations. Also I would love a Ferrari and to go on a date with Natalie Portman. I’m reckoning I have a slim chance of the Ferrari and and microscopic chance at Natalie and no chance of full disclosure.

  5. Jann says:

    “make that section into a government organisation, and do it efficiently” – Hahahahahahahaha! and from you of all people, Lyle…wheeze of the week. Brilliant!

    I don’t think the problem lies with the security personnel at airports other than their numbers. Their integrity isn’t an issue or have I missed something?

  6. Andy says:

    Some good stuff in there lyle. If we treat each other equally then Islam and the other major religions could celebrate their own holy days whilst working the ones that wern’t …. that would completely kill off the mass hysteria led by the recent article in the Daily mail.

    Lyle, you should become a politician, if you turn out anything like Skinner (the beast of Bolsover) and the other honest(ish) politicians – your electorate would love you. It is time for a breath of Fresh Air in politics.

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