
Well, now I’ve got what I want – and I still can’t quite believe I’m going to be heading back to working for a local authority – it comes down to when to tell Arsehole Boss. Actually (and rather unsurprisingly) I’m quite looking forward to it.

However, because of the office move, he’s only going to be in this office two days a week – fortuitously, one of those days is tomorrow. So I think I’ll tell him then. Should be interesting, seeing what the reaction is.

There’s a lot of things I need to go into, and a couple of options about how I leave, but we’ll thrash those out tomorrow, I hope. And then it’s just figuring the logistics of me moving up to Norfolk before Herself, and how we go about all that crap.

But for now, well, I’m just relaxed, and happy. I know that my work here has a finite limit – even if they decide to be shitbags, it’s still a finite limite – and that makes any amount of corporate idiocy tolerable.

One Comment on “Waiting”

  1. Andy says:

    Relaxed and Happy ….. two big words there Lyle, glad to hear it!

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