Posted: Wed 9 August, 2006 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Travel Leave a comment »Over the last two days we’ve had two estate agents round to value the house. It’s been useful in a lot of ways, as it’s given us the knowledge of what still needs doing (very little, other than some cosmetic crap, really) and the price they expect us to achieve on the place – which is very good news.
I’m not going to blether on about house prices, nor am I going to say what the house is currently worth – besides, all the improvements on the place have been the work of Herself, and I’m just a Johnny-come-lately on the entire thing. Yes, I’ll be reaping some of the rewards, in that the equity on this place will help fund the new place, and will let us take a fairly decent step up (or in my case, “on to”) the ladder. And one of the joys of that is that we’ll also be needing some extra gubbins from the solicitors to say that Herself is putting in £x more than me, and that if we do split up, she gets that extra money before anything else is taken into account. Which is fine by me – in fact I think I was the one who suggested it first – but well, I’m still allergic to paying more to solicitors than I have to…
In a lot of ways it also makes the entire moving process a lot more concrete. It’s a solid step along the way, it’s an acknowledgement that yes, we are going to be moving on – and that’s definitely a good thing.
So yes, it’s been an interesting experience. We’re fairly sure we now know who we’ll be using, although some of that still depends on negotiation of fees, contract terms etc., but yeah, unless things go horribly wrong, we’re fairly well sorted on that now too.