Posted: Tue 8 August, 2006 Filed under: Animals, Cynicism, Domestic, Thoughts 5 Comments »When I was walking Hound last night, it was getting dark, but quite a few people still had curtains open. (God that makes me sound like a perv, doesn’t it? Ah well)
Anyway, one thing I noticed while out was quite how bloody ugly a lot of the new wall-mounted plasma TV screens actually are. They’re hard to miss, to be honest.
So first of all, wouldn’t it make sense to – well – close curtains etc.? Otherwise surely you’re just advertising “Hey, we can afford (or at least get the credit for) a big 40″ plasma” ?
But also, to me they’re just intrusive. I don’t want to lose half the wallspace in a room to a fucking TV. Great, it’s thin, and can hang on a wall. But why would I want it to? Personally, I much prefer to take up wallspace with prints of photos I’ve taken, or that other people have taken. The TV can sit in its proper place, in the corner of the room.
I don’t know, maybe I’m just some kind of Luddite, but I simply can’t see the appeal of hanging a TV off the wall, and letting it dominate the room.
Whats wrong with a small normal tv?
Plasma screens are a ‘new’ must have …. bollocks to that, all a whopping big screen like that in ur house is going to do is attract scumbags who want to nick it and put ur insurance premiums up!
As for mounting them on a wall …. I aint got any wall space to mount one on and I wouldn’t want to trash a wall with fixings for a tv that might blow up! Wouldn’t u then be left with trying to buy a tv of exactly the same size with exactly the same fixings? The thought of possibly having to redecorate post flat screen really does put me off).
Maybe I’m being naive but that kinda technology really doesn’t fill me with awe and make me want to buy one ….. are they really so good? What do they do that my 21 inch tv can’t?
Depends how old your TV is Andy. A friend of ours recently got a new, cheap, Plasma screen and after watching TV on her 10 year old ‘tube’ the difference was startling. Bright, sharp picture instead of dark fuzzy one.
I don’t think I’d hang a TV on the wall either mind you but I DO want/will get a nice LCD screen sometime in the next year or so…
Mines only about 4/5 yrs old, great picture.
I’d love to be able to hang a slim TV on the wall as my CRT takes up so much space – it renders one corner of the room completely unusable (I have a chair that’s just itching to be sat in there) and the dust that gathers behind (along with cables and whatnot) is an absolute nightmare to clean.
As I understand it, day-to-day TV watching isn’t so great on an LCD/plasma but the qulity is improving all the time (so I’m told) but the space-saving aspect may force my hand in the matter regardless pretty soon.
I’m a bit like Jann. There’s a cupboard in the corner of the room that used to be perfect for TVs. We needed a new TV and it seemed to make sense to get a 16:9 one, but we discovered that only one model of 16:9 could fit on that cupboard.
When that breaks down, if we can’t find a 16:9 small enough we will either have to rip out the cupboard which would be a shame or get a wall mounted plasma, which might look alright above the fireplace, I’m not sure, but would also liberate the cupboard for displays of fresh flowers and photographs. Or junk…