
You know, it’s funny – despite the fact that she can be an absolute Pain in the Arse, I do actually like having Hound around.

I never used to be a dog person really. My parents always preferred cats, so I grew up with Siamese cats, and never really entertained the idea of having a dog. It grew on me as an idea over the years, and then when I was in Manchester I got two pups, and loved having them around. In the end one got given away to a good home, and the other one had to be put to sleep. I was there when the vet did it, held her as her heart stopped, and it put me off having a pet again for a good while.

But since being down here with Herself, I’ve gotten very used to Hound, as well as her idiosyncracies. Most mornings now I take her out for a walk, and we also do another one later on, and that’s usually a good thing.

Yesterday I worked from home (and at the moment it looks like I might be doing a lot more of that in the near future) and one thing I’ve enjoyed is just having Hound asleep on my feet while working, or lying down beside the desk, fast asleep, dreaming, and yipping in her dream – very, very funny.

Yeah, sure, she can be a huge pain in the bum, but at the same time I wouldn’t give her up for anything.

Isn’t it strange how things work out sometimes?

5 Comments on “Pets”

  1. Skytower says:

    Split preferences here. Kirsty wants a doggie, I’m more a cat person. At the moment, it’s going to be neither for a while – the place we’re renting is a definite “no pet” zone. Quite which we’d have first if we lived in a pet-friendly house, though, is well open to “discussion”…!

  2. Gert says:

    Next step will be wanting babies

  3. Andy says:

    I’ve just got my own house and we were having the whole cat dog thing, I’m gonna get both. Btw is it the unconditional love that the hound gives you that makes you feel the way you do, dogs are great for that, they never ask for a lot, cats even less so!

  4. Lyle says:

    Nah, I’m not overly bothered by unconditional love and blah blah blah. In honesty, if we’re at Herself’s sister’s place, then the cat also comes up for major affection, and that’s good too.

    I dunno, I just like having a Hound, even when it’s a complete pain-in-the-arse that most people would’ve taken to a shelter by now…

  5. Andy says:

    Rach wants a retired greyhound, I kinda don’t mind what she gets or when or where she gets it from but we only have a small house, that bloody thing will take up half the lounge when it lays down. I can see fun and games on the horizon.

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