
Well, more developments. The office move is (so far) still on for a week from today. However, it turns out that it’s likely (because the office is still far too fucking small for all the people) that I, and most of the web team, will be able to work from home. Which is a definite improvement.

No more word yet about whether Arsehole Boss is staying or going. Earlier this week, he and the CEO apparently had a huge screaming match in the middle of the London office, so the atmosphere is – shall we say – a bit fraught at the moment. Supposedly discussions about it all have gone all the way up to the Board and Investors, but us minions at the workface have heard nowt else yet. Personally, I don’t really care either way – yes, I’d love to see Arsehole Boss take a long walk off a short pier, but equally it’ll leave the company in the shit while everything gets worked out, and I can’t be arsed with that level of crap either. So *shrug* I dunno, I’m just going to let them get on with it, I think.

In the meantime, the working from home thing will be Very Good. It has the potential to make my life a lot easier, and would also make moving to Norfolk a lot easier too, if I don’t necessarily have to change jobs immediately in order to get there.

On the subject of work, the council still haven’t sent anything through. Not even a written confirmation of the job offer. So I’m still looking around and sounding out other stuff too – and getting some very interesting prospects. I got a call from one agency last night who have thrown up the potential for a job that would be just about perfect – same role, just outside Norwich, and in a location that’d be just about perfect for our requirements.

Supposedly I’ll hear more about that today. And Herself has been getting offered interviews too, so it’s all looking pretty promising at the moment. I just wish that people would get their fingers out so we can just get on with it.

One Comment on “Developments”

  1. Gordon says:

    Yup I’m waiting on people too… but don’t tell anyone.

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