Posted: Thu 24 August, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Cynicism, Thoughts, Travel, Work-related |2 Comments »As it’s now three+ weeks since I got the verbal offer of the council job, and I’ve still heard nothing, yesterday I started chasing up what’s been going on. Again.
So far – and bear in mind, they won’t send out an offer letter ’til they’ve done all the paperwork and got the contract in place as well – they haven’t even sent out the reference requests. Because of the problem with salary, and [Future Boss] having a fit of the sensitives and then being off sick, they haven’t done anything ’til [Future Boss] comes back.
So at the current rate there’s no chance of me starting there any time before October.
However, at the same time I’m also getting a lot of feedback about other jobs, and as the council can’t be fucking bothered to do anything, I’m going back to sorting out interviews etc. It makes sense – after all, do I really want to work for a place that’s that disorganised and inefficient?
I think ur doing the right thing Lyle, I’d do the same in your position.
Yup, wot he said.