Dumping Off

And now the old PC has bitten the dust and been taken to the same dump as the Shuttle boxes.

This time it’s a truly old Compaq PC with a 1Ghz Athlon processor. The hard-drive got completely reformatted and repartitioned yesterday, once we’d taken off all the old data we might possibly need (which is now sat on yet another spare hard-drive) followed by installing Linux on it. So fairly secure and with data removed. Of course, it still won’t go in the same dump pile as the PC, so it’s going in the mankiest shittiest bin bag I can find – probably along with this week’s collection of dog-shit. Classy.

So now everything’s been moved onto the Dell PC, and all seems to be working fine. I’ve got rid of a hell of a lot of stuff along the way, but yeah, it’s all a lot more organised too. Can’t be bad.

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