Database driven
Posted: Sat 12 August, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Depression, Own Business, Sweary, Work-related |Leave a comment »Recently I’ve been building a very heavy database-driven website for a private clown client, which has a lot of interactivity and social-networking features in it. As usual, I’ve set it up to be hosted at the start by 34sp, who I’ve never had any problems with, and who I tend to use for most of my sites and clients.
Anyway, because of problems on this new site (one of the so-called ‘expert’ designers managed to upload 90Mb of images on to the site ‘by mistake’) we went over the 150Mb file quota during the week. Raising this problem with the person who has commissioned the entire project, she had a bit of a panic, and started asking how come we’d used up so much webspace already, and would there be enough once the site goes fully live, etc. etc. Nothing special, just a standard tizz.
But of course the ‘expert’ designers had to stick their oar in, and say “Oh, well we normally use the Easyspace ‘Gold’ hosting package, which gives us 500Mb of space, and works for the sites we do”.
My response was – shall we say – succinct.
Hey, great – let’s move a database-driven website to a hosting company package that doesn’t have a database as part of it.
I haven’t heard anything else from them since. I wonder why?