Posted: Thu 17 August, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: General, Thoughts, Work-related |14 Comments »Gordon asks
Quite honestly, I don’t know. Right now I don’t seem to have the answers to anything – hell, I can’t even answer the question of why I keep working with a bunch of utter, utter cunts.
I’ll think about it though. I may even come up with an answer. It might be before the weekend, it might be Monday. I don’t know yet.
But thanks – it’s going to give me something else to think about, instead of work-related crap that mentions the words “cunts” “arseholes” and “fuck this for a game of soldiers”.
I have some very thoughts on this.
Do you remember how, at school, if someone in the class misbehaved and no-one owned up and no-one grassed then the whole class would be punished? (I’m pretty sure this wasn’t just at my school and was pretty much standard – hell, even saw it in Grange Hill). Well, apply the same approach here. The way to make sure there are no potential domestic Islamic fundamentalist nutter terroristadors is to kick ’em all out. Yes a lot of innocent people will be evicted unnecessarily but thems the breaks. A few bad apples and all that. No Islamists – no fundamentalists – on the inside at least. I don’t mean religous persecution, I just mean that they’re not welcome until they learn to play nice.
This is the lesson we learnt at school.
Also, public hangings. In fact, hanging, drawing and quartering. It’s perfect for the modern age reality TV generation. You could have public votes for who gets a pardon and have the whole execution taking place live on TV in a programme presented by Davina McCall.
Dermot O’Leary could then interview the family of the executed man and take the piss out of them.
And we could bomb the shit out of Milton Keynes.
I’ll second the MK vote but… you cannot be serious.
It’s one thing to punish a class because someone wrote something naughty on the blackboard, quite another to throw people out of their home country. They were born and grew up here, why should they be thrown out? Because of their religion?
“Yes a lot of innocent people will be evicted unnecessarily but thems the breaks.”
Funny, I bet Mr. Gaeda says similar: “Yes a lot of innocent people will die, but thems the breaks.”
Ohh and I’ll state, right now, that I don’t have an answer either.
Can we launch a plot on Coventry too?
Hey – there’s a plan – “designated terrorism areas”. You can blow the shit out of certain places, and not get prosecuted…. </flippant>
“…you cannot be serious.” You think?
Controversial, predujiced, badly constructed and ill thought out attempts at an argument are so much more fun than being serious.
BTW – bombing MK is nothing to do with terrorism. It just needs to be razed from the planet.
Add Bradford to that too.
NOTE: I’ve tried to keep my mouth shut of late on this subject for fear of being labelled racist by lefties – I ain’t racist, I hate all people equally!
And to add to Gordon’s comment (this comes from experience) most Muslims I’ve come across do not consider themselves to be British, to them that isn’t an issue. Most are Muslims first and foremost, Asians secondly (pakistani, bengali, etc) and then British when it suits them, I have asian friends who say exactly the same. To them this isn’t their country which in ‘some respects’ makes it far easier for those of extreme views to be as violent as they can be.
I think those of you who do not have constant contact or do not live amongst them would be surprised in fact gobsmacked by the way of life and the opinions expressed and to be fair its nowt to do with foreign policy, more like radical imams and an objection towards moving forward, ghettoisation and the mix of two incompatible cultures.
Read the report by Lord Ousely in to the Bradford Riots and the subsequent reports and statements made by people like Trevor Phillips of the Racial Equality Commision etc – you would be surprised.
Andy, you don’t work for Orange, do you?
No Jann, I dont work for any of that industry, thank f***
Andy it doesn’t matter if people Muslim Asians and not British. (and ask yourself how by picking them out we are making it easier to for them to identify as British).
It doesn’t matter if they are Muslim, Asian and hate White British people.
None of these are things you can kick them out the country for.
And the reason expressing those views would end up labelling you as raciest, is that they are raciest views.
Racist dammit. Racist. not Raciest.
I think you might need to read the previous posts again, primarily because i din’t actually say anything racist ….. unless you can call the Trevor Phillips racist … dragon wanted them booting out – not me!
Oh and the opinion I aired was one that aired by several Asian people …. people I work with and people I am close to, but as a white Brit of IRISH decent I did expect that at least one person would manage to accuse me of a crime.
Oh and Dragon ….. I know you were only joking.