
I don’t know how Hound does it, but she has the most amazing body-clock I’ve seen in a long time.

During the week, she gets a walk in the morning before we go to work – she likes it, and needs the extra exercise. Let’s face it, it’s almost impossible to exhaust a collie anyway, but two walks a day is a good way to make sure she gets at least some of what she needs. Anyway, these walks normally happen at 7.15 or 7.30 in the morning. Which is fine.

However, Hound doesn’t understand about weekends. So now we get woken up at 7.15 on Saturday and Sunday, with the collie equivalent of “Wake up! It’s time for my walk! Come on! You’ll be late!” This involves first coming upstairs, and standing in the doorway of the bedroom, ears aloft, tongue out, and generally looking happy/stupid. If that doesn’t get our attention, then she bounces on to the bed between us, normally managing to land at least on paw direct on the groin or bladder. If even that fails, she will lay between us, nose to nose with me, and using her paw to pat me on the face in an “I’m here, you know – wakey wakey” style.

I suspect it won’t be long before she understands the words “Fuck Off, Hound, it’s the weekend!”…

One Comment on “Time-Keeping”

  1. Andy says:

    She’s got used to needing a dump at the same time everyday Lyle, I imagine that you might get left a present or two if you vary her walk pattern.

    Btw the bint spotted a rescued greyhound the other day at the Yorkshire Show, looks like she’s going to adopt one!!!! Sigh!!!!

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