Posted: Thu 6 July, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Cynicism, Thoughts, Work-related |4 Comments »OK, here’s a simple one…
If you were applying for a job as a web developer, and you included a couple of sites you’ve worked on as showcase URLs for what you could do, wouldn’t you make sure that they were actually working? And not just a “new website coming soon” page?
Or is that just me?
Did this really happen? Or is it a piss take?
No, sad to say, it really happened.
Poor lad, never mind ….. did you direct him back to the job centre?
I once included an out-of-date URL on my CV and sent it off unaware that the domain renewal had recently lapsed and was pointing to a pornsite aggregator.
I got the job but was ribbed constantly for most of the nine month contract.