Overtime – Outside
Posted: Mon 17 July, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Getting Organised, Own Business, Work-related |Leave a comment »One thing that was good about yesterday, and having to do the work on that site is that the wireless network I banged on about last weekend held up just fine, and meant I could spend the day sat out on the patio, writing web pages and so on, instead of being stuck in the office upstairs.
So really it didn’t feel hugely like work, although obviously my brain was overheating and working overtime still. But it was still a definite improvement on being sat indoors on a day like yesterday.
Once we’ve moved, a decent wireless network is going to be an absolute requirement – and probably an “outdoor room” so I can use it all when the weather’s good, should I end up primarily working from home…