
You know one of the most depressing things around? Getting quotes for car insurance.

Up ’til now, I’ve been a named driver on Herself’s car insurance – it makes a lot more sense for the first year of driving, as that’s when insurers add on an arbitrary amount, just for having passed the test. Of course, the downside is that after a year’s driving, I still have no No Claims Bonus. Ah well.

Anyway, once we’ve moved – as and when it happens – to Norfolk, it’s most likely going to mean that we need two cars, which’ll mean the current one becomes mine, and another (smaller) one becomes Herself’s. And that means I’ve got to sort out insurance on the current one. So I’ve been getting quotes.

So far, MoreThan will cost me £646 , or £57 per month, and DirectLine will cost me £690, or £57 per month. (No, I haven’t quite worked that out either – I probably mis-read something)

Then I went to Norwich Union, just for a laugh. Their “Quote Me Happy” campaign has been laughably bad, and I know when I was looking for house insurance they were awesomely high – in fact, about twice the price of anyone else. So OK, same details, and *quote* – fucking sweet Jesus H Christ on a smelly warped pine crutch – £1532, or £140 per month?!?!?

Quote me fucking incredulous, more like. Now I can see why all the people in the adverts piss themselves laughing when they get their quote…

8 Comments on “Insuring”

  1. Gordon says:

    Directline do a 10mth plan, with a large first payment so that might be the discrepancy in payments…

    And I won’t depress you with what my insurance is…

  2. matthew says:

    When I first got insured, a few years ago now (I think I was 24 at the time?), to get insured with a provisional licence, in a 91 Rover Metro, 1.4l, it cost me three thousand nine hundred Euro.

    As it stands, for herself and I in a 00 Seat Ibiza, also 1.4l, it’s about seven hundred. Insurance prices in Ireland are absurd.

  3. Andy says:

    My first quote was £750 or so, when I was 18. That were 11 years ago (tears) and now it’s half that. Some of the companies charge you for using their monthly service which is why direct ripoff and more than others were somewhere similar. Have you tried the likes of Hastings Direct? Don’t use Churchill, them lot are as mental as a box of frogs. What about using a broker for some comparison prices??????? Sometimes works believe it or not.

  4. Andy says:

    Or do your advanced test, that gets rid of a load of risk for an insurer, therefore bringing down your premium, with the added bonus of you knowing how to do a handbrake turn and not kill yourself.

  5. Lyle says:

    I’ve only had the full license a year, and that took me long enough to get. While it may present a saving in the long-run, I’ll leave IAM for a while, cheers!

  6. sboy says:

    I’m not usually a plugger, but have u tried They saved me shed loads of money as well as leg work….

  7. farmer_dave says:

    i go with country wide, and it seems the lowest quote ive seen also for insurance quotes go to you’ll get some quotes from there as well and it will save a load of ringing around and i got meself a good deal

  8. Gert says:

    When I first passed my test I bought my sister’s old car, and my brother was to drive it down to me. I was 30, with no insurance history, and no driving experience he was 23 with a clean licence and no insurance claims going back over 6 years. One place refused to insure him; one was going to charge more for him for one day than me for the year.

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