Getting Away With It
Posted: Tue 4 July, 2006 Filed under: Customer Services, Cynicism, Domestic, General 1 Comment »I can’t believe that Thames Water have managed to get away with not having to even pay a fine on their awesome leakage figures I wrote about a while back.
OK, so they’ve been “forced” (their words, not mine) to spend £150m on stopping leaks, but that’s what the shyster bastards should have been doing anyway. But oh no, tell them they might get fined, then let them off. They must be laughing all the way to the bank.
OFWAT was on news explaining that if they fine them, that’s less money to spend on leaks. Which sort of makes sense. I think, instead they should be forced to spend an amount at least equivalent to their reported profit on repairing leaks – and no dividends to share-owners.