
This evening we were supposed to be going up to Westonbirt Arboretum to see Massive Attack in a one-off outside concert.

However, I’ve woken up today feeling shit, exhausted, and just not in the mood for doing owt. We’ve been so busy over the last two months, and yesterday was really the first “day off” we’ve had in a long time. Even so, we spent a lot of time sorting out bookshelves in the office at home, looking at lots of other stuff that needed to be thrown out, and generally organising things.

So much is still up in the air – the council still hasn’t got back to me, although they’re apparently “waiting for someone to sign off the final documents”. On a positive note, at least they’re not saying “no”, so it’s all looking promising – but at the same time, they still haven’t come up with a confirmed answer, and no full offer. Which means that all I’m going on is optimism at the moment.

Herself is still applying for jobs, but the interview dates are still at least a month off, realistically.

So we’re just in a kind of limbo at the moment. It’s a situation I hate being in – once I’ve made the decision to move, I just want to get on and do it. All this waiting around, waiting for job information, having to keep on going in to a place where I truly despise the managers/owners, it all just gets to me. I want it to stop, so I/We can get on with the next phase, can move and get started on the new place.

It’s frustrating, and it leaves me exhausted. I’d love to see Massive Attack tonight, but I just can’t find it in me to think that seeing them is worth a minimum of a 90-minute drive each way…

2 Comments on “Flat”

  1. Gordon says:

    I hope you go. I’m sure it’ll be worth it and I certainly wouldn’t miss a one-off gig like this. If it was just a tour gig (in some bog standard venue somewhere) then I’d maybe skip it too but.. no.. you’d hate yourself if you DIDN’T go and then read all the rave reviews about it!

  2. Andy says:

    Added to Gordon’s comment ……. especially when we know how much you like Massive Attack. I couldn’t get any tickets for that, I tried after you first said you were going because it sounded bloody wicked, but such is life.

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