
We’re out of the house for most of today, what with working on a stall for a village fete for the charity I’ve mentioned once or twice before, and then out in the evening having a family meal to celebrate my father’s birthday. (In a place I’ve never been before, so I can add it to Wheres Good too)

It’s one of those days – they happen every so often.

I half expect to be soaked during the day, what with it being the finals of Wimbledon etc., and the weather being what it has this week.

Oh, and on Sunday, Herself will be away, going up to Norfolk for an interview of her own. So it’s all coming together. But it’s going to be a manic weekend.

Not to mention the fact I’m supposed to have a large dollop of website up and working by Monday for a client. And that I haven’t even started it yet. The joys of a sub-zero motivational level. Still, it could make life interesting. Still, I’m sure I’ll have what they want when they want it.

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