Email Resurrection
Posted: Mon 10 July, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Own Business, Work-related |1 Comment »Gah, one of these days I’ll change my job title to “System Administrator”.
Following on from Arsehole Boss’s spectacular fuckup of the email server migration on Friday, it’s fallen to me to try and get back all the archives from the previous server.
And, amazingly, so far I’ve managed it. I have a complete set of emails for everyone in the company, all sat on my PC, ready to be sent up to the new email server. And, of course, I’ll then delete all of that information from my PC. *ahem*
Some small tweaks still remain to be completed – but for the moment, progress is being made. Which is novel.
Tempting, isn’t it, to look through everybody’s private emails. I know I’d be tempted!
There again, frequently in my job I have had access to numerous personnel files and pay records, and social services/housing etc files. Most of the stuff in them is so incredibly tediously boring that to get to the juicy bits requires hours of brain-killing ennui.