
Do you ever have a day where you finally realise that actually it is everyone else that’s at fault?

I’m very loath to make sweeping judgement calls like that usually, but today’s been one of the very few days where it actually ends up coming through as the only sane answer.

On the one hand I’m working with a private client, and their designers who swore they knew what they were up to, and really good web programmers – yet have come up with a design for a home page that is, um, entirely an image map. Oh, and they don’t know “how include files work”, and can’t understand how I’m using them in the site architecture. (for the non-geeky I should point out that we’re talking really simple concepts here, such as the site navigation being put in an “include” file, which means you just have one file with the navigation in, and include it from every page you write. Even the syntax is simple – “include(‘navigation.php’)” Rocket science it ain’t)

On the other hand I’m still working in a company that thinks that upping sticks and moving the office to London, when most of the people who work for the company are based in this area, primarily because it’s a whim of Arsehole Boss and the new(ish) Chairman, can in no way be seen as forming the basis for constructive dismisal tribunals. Oh, and that they can just sack people, rather than going through the – contracted – disciplinary procedure of two official verbal warnings, two written warnings, and then you can be sacked. Apparently, this doesn’t apply to them, and they can do what they want.

I’m currently considering a campaign of shit-flinging, which would include reporting them to

  • the board
  • the venture capital people
  • Inland Revenue
  • Customs and Excise
  • and maybe the Anti-Terrorist hotline, if I feel really vindictive
  • And anyone else relevant I can think of

So yes, today is one of the days where I end up figuring that maybe I’m the only semi-sane one around here. And let’s face it, I can’t be entirely sane, because of the sheer amount of shit I’ve been putting up with…

Addendum : I should point out that this post is not making out I’m perfect, because I’m not, and certain other errors fuckups have since come to light that’re entirely my fault. However, I can fix them in ten seconds (and have done) while everyone else is still pissing and moaning and being utter fuckin’ numpties. So I still rest my case , although with the proviso that I know I’m not perfect either. So there.

2 Comments on “Depressed”

  1. Jann says:

    If they’re breaking the rules ike you say, surely a bit of a delve into employment law and worker’s rights would be a good starting point?

  2. Andy says:

    Join a really militant union and set a ferocious tiger like, preferably pmt ridden, shop steward on them …… or just twat arsehole boss – that can be very satisfying.

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