
How can you tell that today is the start of Wimbledon 2006?

Because it’s pissing it down with rain, that’s how.

And just when do we expect wet-fart Henman to fall out of the contest?

4 Comments on “Wimbledon”

  1. Andy says:

    I’m taking bets on how long it will take before Andy Murray goes completely beetroot in the face and explodes with rage. Approximately 1 hour into his first match when he’s two sets down would be my guess.

  2. Matt says:

    Approximately 3 sets into his first match, that’s my bet.

  3. Gordon says:

    Or when he breaks down with injury.. again.

    I reckon Murray will go out the round AFTER “Tiger Tim” (that’s round two for those who are counting…)

  4. farmer_dave says:

    i think crap tim will go out in the first round well after all he is a engligh chap trying to play sport after all

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