Taxing Stuff

I utterly, utterly despise the Inland Revenue.

A month ago, I got the confirmation that I owed £150. In that letter, there were no details of how to pay the amount owed, and they said “We’ll be in touch to tell you how to pay it”.

Yesterday, I got a shitty “final demand” for the money. It’s the first thing that had payment information on it, and had also conveniently allowed them to add an extra tenner in interest. And of course when you ring them up to talk about it…

IR : We can’t remove the interest. You’ll need to write a letter of complaint to the department, and they might take it off.
Me : So put me through to that department, so I can sort it out.
IR : I can’t.
Me : OK, can I speak to your supervisor please.
IR : No. They’re not available.
Me : So how do I get this dealt with?
IR : You can’t. You’ll have to send a letter. Now, are you going to pay this bill?
Me : No, I want to speak to your supervisor, please.
IR : You can’t. They’re not available

Your happy smiling tax service in action. Bunch of utter, utter cunts.

In fact, in three years of hassle with them, I’ve come across precisely one helpful person. Other than that one person, the entire place seems to be staffed by officious pricks with major personality defects.

One Comment on “Taxing Stuff”

  1. Andy says:

    Exactly my point when arguing that we should move to a single tax bracket, remove the complications and loopholes and tell the inland revenue to foxtrot oscar.

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