Posted: Sat 10 June, 2006 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised 4 Comments »A while back, our old hoover died, and we bought a Dyson upright to replace it.
Now, while I don’t mind the thing in general, it does have a couple of things that piss me off every time I use the sodding thing. Number One is the power cord – call me picky, but having a power cable that has to be repeatedly looped around a couple of hooks every time you use it is a pain in the arse. Hasn’t Dyson heard of the automatic power reel?
The second one is the tools. They’ve been “designed” (and I use the term in its loosest possible sense) to sit in little slots atop the main cylinder. So of course every time you knock into something, or your leg brushes against the cleaner – say in rare circumstances, like when you’re taking the pissing thing up and down stairs – the sodding brushes pop out all over the place. It’s like they were just shoved in at the last moment, in an “Oh sod, what’ve we forgotten?” moment.
In fact, despite the fact that it’s actually a pretty good vacuum cleaner, I can’t help but feel that “Oh sod, we’ve forgotten something” pretty much sums up the design process for the entire thing.
Great, made me laugh, but have to say it’s not only Dyson where tool storage seems to have been an afterthought…my Electrolux to replace the Dyson has the same problem with tools stuck on the hose, forever falling off. Another prob with the Dyson was its horrendous WEIGHT and unwieldiness.
Hmmm never had any problems with our Dyson. Yes the lack of cable winder thingy is a nuisance but that aside it’s been excellent.
Ummm you are ‘clicking’ the tools into place, yes? I’ve found it bloody hard to get them OUT of their holders as it is!
I have a dyson. With a cable winder. It’s because I didn’t opt for an upright but for a cylinder version. Very compact. Very neat. And the accessories rarely fall off (when attached – don’t normally attach them as can’t be arsed.)
I love my Dyson, it’s a wicked vac, it sucks up everything its meant to, havn’t tried to see if it gives a good blowjob but I’m sure it would………………the only thing that’s wrong with it is …IT’S FRIGGIN PURPLE! But I didn’t pay for it her parents did and they have no taste so really i should have expected sommat as horrendous as what we got.