X-Men 3 – The Last Stand
Posted: Mon 29 May, 2006 Filed under: Reviews(ish) 1 Comment »Finally went to see it last night. Hmm, now, was it worth it?
X3 (Sorry, can’t be arsed with the long title any more) is OK. It’s better than a lot of ropy stuff out there, but equally it’s not a patch on X-Men 1 or 2. Directed by Brett Ratner, instead of the first two’s Bryan Singer, you can see the difference in style, and Ratner’s “Action” preference. The back story just isn’t there, and there’re some bits that just seem to hang there with no relevance to anything else.
Overall, it’s OK – it’s just not as good as 1 and 2. Which is a pity – I suspect that if Singer had stayed at the helm, and not chosen to rehash direct Superman Returns, X-3 would’ve been a far better film.
It’s still worth seeing (if you liked the first two, anyway) but a steady suspension of disbelief/logic is most definitely retired. Otherwise you’ll find yourself asking things like “So what was the point of the guy with wings?” and “Only six? Out of the entire school? Pfft” (which manage to ask the questions without chuffing the plot – helpful, aren’t I?)
I thought it spent to much time on the special effect of disasembling people and not enough time building a decent story.
Also it seemed to pride it self on destroying as many main charcters as possible which annoyed me, and wouldn’t have happened (at least so many, so quickly, so pointlessly) in the comic books. It seemed to be saying “we know you have signed on for movie 4, so bang you’re dead”. Just seemed pointless.
Now if you want a really really fucking good movie, best I have seen this year, go see Brick. Brilliant.