
Since the weekend we went down to Somerset, I’ve had an ear infection. It’s not painful (well, except for one day close to the start, where I had absolutely killer earache) it’s just bloody annoying – I’d say my hearing is probably about 10% of normal in my right ear at the moment.

Anyway, I finally got round to making an appointment at the doctors about it. I’ve had this kind of thing before, and have never been arsed to go and get it sorted – after all, it clears up in the end of its own accord, and I just can’t be keffed to go and get a prescription for bloody antibiotics etc. But this time Herself (being a nurse herself) has nagged me ’til I gave in and made the appointment.

What surprised me, though, was the attitude of the practice nurse. She seemed amazed that I wasn’t demanding medical attention right now, and was instead quite happy to leave it ’til there was a free slot in her diary. Like I said, I’m not in pain, it’s not urgent – it’s annoying, but not debilitating or life-threatening, so I’m pretty easy about the entire thing.

Still, 9:15, Monday morning, I’ll be at the doctors. First time in a year or more – and even that was just for a checkup as I was transferring to this doctors having moved to Bracknell.

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