Posted: Wed 26 April, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related |2 Comments »Well, the interview went OK. I don’t know yet whether I got the job – probably won’t know ’til the end of the week at least – but it all seemed to go smoothly.
Would I take it? Yes, probably. Some of the situation with the current company is rapidly becoming untenable, and it’s becoming known as the land of the migrating goalposts.
If I were the type of person who could just turn off the brain, tug my forelock and say “Yes, OK, I shall write this in the way you want” then I could probably stay. But, as some people may have noticed, that’s not really the way I am. I prefer to have an active brain, and to work on creating new stuff that works.
Yeah, sure, I could knuckle under, let the company go whatever way it will, and not worry about it. I could get the challenge from the new stuff I’m doing for myself, Where’s Good and so on, and that could keep my brain working well. But it’s not me – if I’m going to work somewhere I want to enjoy it.
Strange, but true.
So we’ll just have to see what comes of this interview, and find out that way what the future holds…
Best of luck fella!
What he said. I also sympathise with your situation, finding myself once more in the same place. Except I’m not entirely sure I can deal with being an IT bod anymore. It does my head in.