Posted: Tue 18 April, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Animals, Domestic, Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »Overall, it’s been a good weekend. Lots got done domestically, including getting half the garden turfed – it looks stonking, having been a mud-pit over the winter – as well as a shedload of other stuff. It also enabled me to get several steps closer to completing [the site that cannot yet be named] including some very funky stuff indeed.
With luck it’ll be able to go live by the end of the week, or end of month at latest. I’m looking forward to that day in a big way – although also with some trepidation, as it’ll be you lot who test it first and get to see what I’ve been banging on about. So yeah, it’ll be – to me at least – a fairly big day when it goes out into the world. Kind of scary…
Other than that, two visits with Hound to Burnham Beeches, somewhere she’d never been before (and got lost, on the first trip – cue epic stress levels) but now thinks is ace. It also leads to a very knackered Hound for the rest of the day/evening/night, which is never a bad thing.
And then back to work. I woke up this morning (Hmm, that could almost be the title to a song…) and just didn’t want to go in to the office. That’s normally a sign of the beginning of the end for me. Maybe it’s just been the epic levels of shit recently, maybe it’s many other things, but well, to me it’s just that I can see it coming to the end of a phase.
We’ll see, anyway.
I know what you mean Lyle, kinda inthe same boat myself but with no flex, and it’s only one person out of about 80 that seriously fucks me off. Might be time for me to consider moving onto pastures new. Btw I might know why ur worms died, mine are getting waterlogged at the mo, time for a diff approach, buy a cheap bin lid, waterproofs the lot.