Arsehole Boss – again.

Sorry, not really in the mood for writing much at the moment. I’ve had an argument with Arsehole Boss this morning, where he threw his toys completely out of the pram.

Following that, Arsehole Boss’s directive is that he doesn’t give a shit whether we’re happy in our work, or that we’re doing stuff that will change in two weeks anyway and is thus pointless, or that what we’re doing is repetitive bullshit. So long as we’re doing the things that Arsehole Boss wants us to, no matter how fucking ridiculous and misguided, that’s all that matters.

Inspiration, thoughts, and creativity are now all officially verboten. By order of Il Duce.

Fuck it all, I want to leave.

3 Comments on “Arsehole Boss – again.”

  1. matthew says:

    Is there some huge overriding financial or moral commitment that is compelling you to not leave? If not, my advice is… well, maybe not leave, but at least weigh your options.

  2. Lyle says:

    Well, the only directive is that I’d rather go from one job to another, rather than just quitting.

    But yeah, that decision’s been made – I’m off as soon as something good comes up. And by “good” I mean “pretty much anything that’s not here”

  3. Andy says:

    Do you want me to come down and let my steel toe caps have a word with him?

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