Bluetooth Headsets
Posted: Sat 15 April, 2006 Filed under: Geeky, Thoughts, Weirdness 3 Comments »What is it that makes people (Mainly men) think they look cool by wandering around with a bluetooth headset/hands-free kit hanging off their ears? I’m not against the devices in the right place (i.e. when driving) but the number of people you see walking around with a bluetooth earpiece is amazing.
I just don’t see the point of them. If you’re wandering around, you’re obviously able to answer the phone properly rather than use the earpiece. (and, by the way, look like an utter twunt while walking around talking ‘to yourself’) Maybe people think they look all cool and techie by using them, or maybe it fuels the fantasies of being James Bond / Captain Kirk / whoever else used a fucking headset. I don’t know. And it does seem to be primarily BMW drivers who use them all the time like that.
What I do know, though, is that to me, people wandering around wearing them just look like dickheads.
I feel exactly the same way. I think it is also to give the impression that they are soimportant they receive loads of phonecalls, as opposed to losers like me who sometimes miss the rare calls I receive because my phone’s buried in my bag, or I’m on the Tube or something!
That’s because they *are* dickheads!
I get blue teeth after drinking raspberry slush puppy. Or at least I used to until they went and changed the colour to de rigeur red.