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Weekend Activities
Posted: Sun 26 March, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Work-related |1 Comment »And lo, the weekend is upon us once more.
Not that it’s of real interest to anyone, my to-do list looks something like this…
ShoppingSort out Herself’s main Birthday Pressie(having sorted out the other one today)- Complete the application for [interesting job]
- Continue to work on [site that shall be named soon] – not long til that bugger goes live now
- Sort out computer hardware, and figure out sniffing the wireless network key, so I can get all that shit sorted
- Do some major research into some AJAX ideas I’ve got
General Domestic Gubbins- Write and send out some spec letters to get some more website work in
- Write out minutes for the charity meeting of two weekends ago, and post them out too
I’m sure there’s at least one thing I’ve forgotten, but I’ll figure it out before long. I hope.
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I am the comment ninja. And I just attacked you.
[Edited By Lyle] More accurately, you’re a talentless cunt with all the wit and class of a roadkill skunk. Now fuck off.