Sleeping Position

Way back in the day, my then-other-half used to complain that I slept in a weird way. To me it’s not weird, it’s how I’ve always slept, and still do.

Anyway, I was thinking about this over the weekend, and I wondered if anyone else does it?

When I go to sleep, I tend to half-cover myself with the quilt, so that (for example) my front half is covered, and warm, but my back is in the air. I find I tend to be a lot cooler like this – being completely under the quilt I just get too hot, but if I sleep with an arm, and/or a leg out of the quilt, it seems to act like a heat-exchanger, and it’s comfortable.

Am I a freak? (hey, like we don’t know the answer to this one already) Or does anyone else sleep in a similar fashion?

8 Comments on “Sleeping Position”

  1. Graeme says:

    I stumbled on your site whilst waiting to do battle in Torquay County Court this afternoon in the ‘me versus B&Q’ debacle. If it helps any, I too sleep in the heat exchanger position!

  2. Graeme says:

    ps – your clocks wrong! Its nearly lunchtime

  3. nayf says:

    I sleep like that too.

  4. Andy says:

    Me three, it’s a man thing, something to do with a higher metabolism maybe, I’m always much warmer than the duvet thief thats sleeps next to me.

  5. Lyle says:

    The clock was “wrong” because otherwise it screws up the time on all old posts as well as the new ones. Or something.

    In light of your comment, Graeme, I’ve just deleted the display of time from the comments. I may change my mind at some other point, but for now, well, CBA.

  6. Skytower says:

    Kirsty sleeps like a starfish.

  7. Tom says:

    Me ‘n all.

  8. Graeme says:

    You’ll be glad to know that the nice Judge found B&Q were in Breach of Contract and awarded me £750 compensation and £120 costs. I now feel like a proper ‘Peoples Champion’ and am off to celebrate! Yahoooooooooooooo

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